Tuesday 31 July 2018

Avoid these Email marketing tactics that may bring your email right into spam

Tips for Email Marketing

Email Marketing is considered one of the most successful marketing medium that delivers the highest ROI. This marketing tactic is being used globally by all businesses types of all sizes. Business gain 40% to 70% of the average lead by Email Marketing and this is why it is been considered as one of the most valuable assets for blogging and business alike. 

You can use Email Marketing for various purposes such as delivering company news, to introduce a new product or service, contact customers, update customers on the industry trends, distribute relevant content, and promote a discount or sale and so much more. It is been estimated that 74 trillion emails are been sent daily where the 80% of the business or profession consider Email marketing as one of the most powerful revenue driver and customer retention. 

Even though Email Marketing being a powerful and serious marketing medium there are many who still make blunders and lose a large chunk of their revenue. Here we have listed some common mistakes that done in the Email Marketing Campaign which you can avoid in the future campaigns. 

Poor Email Design and Layout: 

One of the most common mistakes that are been done when launching an Email Marketing Campaign is sending an Email with a Broken Email Design. No one likes an email that is not presented properly thus when you are sending a newsletter or a promotional email with broken email design you are in a potential of losing a lot of customers.

With the aim of gaining more customers and revenue, you are in fact doing the total opposite by sending such Emails. If you don’t take this part seriously then your brand reputation and marketing plans will be at risk if the readers mark your email as spam or unsubscribe. You can use Litmus to see whether the Email design is compatible with other supporting applications, browsers and devices. 

Sending Emails with Company Email Account:

When you send your emails using email addresses such as “info@company.com” or “noreply@company.com” you send a message saying that we don’t want to talk to you. You send emails to your customers because you want to increase the customer engagement with your product and company but if you send email through such email addresses then they wouldn't get the opportunity to interact with you. 

Using Email Marketing is an medium to get one step closer to your customer where you are further promoting your company more. Make sure to monitor your reader replies closely with whichever email addresses you use. 

Content only about Promotions and Discounts:

When you are frequently sending your customer discounts and promotional emails you are in fact annoying and overwhelming them with loads of email that they don’t want to see. You should send them emails that are informative, valuable and entertaining so that they don’t get bored reading your emails. You should keep 80% of the content informative and the remaining 20% of the email sales-related. 

When you add more of content instead of tons of promotional and discounts related emails you add more value to your email and make the email more meaningful for them. You can send them an email to inform them as to why using a product or service is beneficial instead of sending an email informing that you are offering some discount to a product or service. 

Don’t send too many Emails:

You are doing no good by sending too many emails or sending too few emails to your customers. Try to find the frequency of the email that you want to send to your customers so that you don’t overload their inbox with your emails. It is very annoying when you send tons of emails because not everyone will be keen to read every mail you send.

Sending emails once in a year or once in 6 months will do no magic because you are not building the customer engagement instead you will be forgotten by the customer as to why they have signed up for your email. This way you will be unsubscribed or ignored by your customers so make sure that you keep the correct frequency. You can know the ideal time and day to send emails by reviewing your past emails by looking at the Time of the day, Day of the Week, Tone of the Subject Line, Click Through rate, Open rate and unsubscribers.

Subscribers List is not segmented:

There are Email Marketing tools that can help you segment your Subscribers list which will help you in sending relevant information to specific customers. Most of the time customers receive an email that is not at all relevant to them and when they receive such email then they are likely to unsubscribe. So this way you are losing your customer just because you didn’t keep your subscribers list in order. 

You can segment your subscriber list by Acquisition channel, Sales Funnel Stage, Interested Topics, Demographic and Geographic Information and so much more. If you do this then there will be fewer chances of you committing any mistakes. 

Call to Action:

Call to Action is a marketing technique that is used to entice a person to take a specific action. After sending email to your customers you can tell them to click a certain button or a link that will open a blog or website where the rest of the content will be presented or for availing certain discounts or viewing a product. Call to Action doesn’t have to be forceful but it should be naturally incorporated into an image, copy or email button. 

Analyze the Email Marketing Insights and Data:

Checking and analyzing insights and data after or before the Email Marketing campaign should be performed. Analyzing the click-through rate, delivery rate, engagement, Open rate and much more plays an important role in the future campaigns. By doing this you can understand the pitfall or any lack in your Email Marketing campaign. This can help you in fixing the problem and not performing those mistakes again. You can also see how the customers are reacting to your messages which will help you in the future for further improvisation. 

You can share your insights and thoughts where you have come across such instances in the comments below.

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