Friday 27 October 2017

5 Tips to choose the best domain name that will work excellently.

A Lot of People are on a quest to find the perfect domain for their website and it is, in fact a tricky process because selecting a domain name for the website is like selecting a name for your business.
You can’t start the website without a name for your domain but the website will be like a person with no identity thus it is very important to have a domain name. Choosing a domain name shouldn’t be that difficult and I will assure that you will find a name for in an hour by reading this article.
Why choosing the right domain name is important for your business website?
There are many who must be thinking now that why it is so important to choose a Domain name. Well, when people choose a name for their business or company they make sure that the name for their business or company should resemble to what service or product they want to sell. It is the same thing for the website because your website should resemble to what idea you have and what service or product you providing.
Domain Name is the very first thing that the audience will be interacting with your blog / website, Business or the brand and the domain name is a part of your brand which plays a very big role.
There are many domain names that give a positive and negative impact for e.g. sounds more like a spam website and on the other hand sounds like a trustworthy website. So it is very essential that you choose a website that shouldn’t sound off and should be crisp and unique.
The top characteristics you should have in your Domain Name:-
1.   As said earlier that your Domain should resemble the service, product or any particular niche you are working on. For e.g. A website selling garment has a domain name as which doesn’t at all makes sense to what the nature of the business is and it will also attract the wrong audience and thus let the business go in loss.

2.  The most important thing is to keep a domain short and crisp because keeping a domain name that consists more than 3 words will make it very hard to remember the name of the website. For e.g. If a website name would be, I am sure that many would label it as big boring website but if you make it short and keep it to then it would very easy to remember.

3.    The name of the domain that you choose should be catchy and easy to spell. There are so many websites who have kept difficult words that many people forget it easily thus the words should be attractive and catchy. Don’t include too much of hyphen and dashes or words because that will just increase the chances of the website traffic rate going down.

4.    Make sure that the website name that you will be keeping should resemble what business, service or niche you carrying out because a domain name can describe the nature of the website. The website name shouldn’t create confusion or a misunderstanding.

If you ask an SEO expert then he/she will tell you to opt for .com domain saying that Google domains which will ultimately end up showing more in the search engine results and Yes! That sounds logic. The reason behind this is that .com is a top-leveldomain where the Google can easily recognize it and can rank results higher than the other websites domain name. But contradicting to this Matt Cutts, Head of the web spam team at Google explained that is not at all true; .com is better than other because it is convenient to remember the domain name.  

Let’s learn some Easy tips in choosing a Perfect domain name:-

I will be showing you some very simple steps that will help you in choosing the domain name that will work for you best!

1.    Brainstorming:-

Open a pen and book and start writing all the words that comes up to your mind even though if you hate the words that are coming up in your own mind right now. This will help you with varieties of the option to choose from and understand that which word is better suited for your website domain name.

2.    Thesaurus:-

Now as you have a list of names down on your list; you can start finding synonyms that will provide you the better word suited the nature of your website. You can use to easily find various synonyms and even though if you are going on a word spree.

3.    Domain name Software generator:-

There are a lot of software’s in the market that can help you with finding domain name if you are finding hard to do this task by yourself. Panabee is the best tool that can help you find a domain name and different ideas associated with the domain name. You can write the domain name that you like.

4.    Narrow down the search:-

As you must be having a list of domain names with you, you can choose certain domain names that associate with your business website. Eradicate all those names that are hard to pronounce and also the domain names that are more than three words.

5.    Availability of Domain Names:-

As you have some domain name with you, now is the time to see if those domain names are available or no! You can use Domain Search to see whether these domain names that you have are available. As word of advice, the domain names that consist of 1 or 2 words in the .com are premium domains so that will cost you a lot. In this condition, you can also consider .net or .org instead of a .com which will work best for you. There is one more note that you should keep in mind that it is recommended that you buy a domain with the host.

I am sure that you must be having a domain name now with you so now set up the website with the domain name and kick start your business.

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Tuesday 17 October 2017

Introduction to Google Admin Console |

G Suite Admin Console
Admin Console is a feature of G Suite which allows the admin to manage, control an organization’s G Suite account. First, let’s know what actually Administration console is? Administration Console is an interface that permits access to the features and functions of the Administration Server through net or locally. Thus, the Admin can manage the domain, add users, manage devices, and configure security and settings so that your data stays safe.
The following are the features and functions of Admin Console:-
Centralized Administration - Admin console provides a centralized administration that makes setup, billing and other functions such as, add and remove users, set up groups, and add security options like 2-step verification and SSO, easy and fast.

Analytics - Analyze traffic on your sites, documents, presentations and spreadsheets from the dashboard.

Mobile Device - Manage your organization’s mobile devices, without the need for an on-premise device management server, using the Google Admin console. Add security checkpoints to ensure the safety of data residing on your employee’s mobile phones.

Sub-domain and Aliases - Add additional domains to use with your Google services, and create domain aliases for your primary domain. Aliases are a good way to communicate with a group of people at once. Manage multiple domains with one super admin.

Data Migration - The data migration service lets you easily migrate your users' email, contacts, and calendar events to G Suite from existing or previous servers.

Service Restriction - Turn services on or off for your users like:
G Suite, with business versions of Drive, Calendar, Gmail, and more Applications are available from the Additional Google Services and, Marketplace including YouTube, Google+ and more.

Well, Administration Console on G Suite will help you in better supervision and optimization of the G Suite Applications. It will give you the appropriate control on overall function of G Suite and it will also provide certain features so that you can manage the G Suite Applications effectively.

Thursday 12 October 2017

Explore Top 8 tips for a beginning website which can improve the website performance to increase sale.

Tips to grow your business
Many people wonder why they aren’t getting any customers on their website and try various solutions to increase their traffic and sales. A lot of people invest a lot of time and efforts in creating a website for their business but often fail in achieving the target that they set to reach.
There are many aspects to increase the traffic and sales but the wisest thing will be to identify the core problem and start working on that so that your plan goes for a long run instead of failing in short period. Don’t worry if you are facing problems pertaining to your website because it is common for any beginner to face these problems.
Now let’s learn on how to rightly web host your business that will, in turn, increase your sales and traffic to your website.

1. Title and description should be Catchy:-
If your website traffic source is search engines than make your title and meta description meaningful and catchy. When anyone searches something on a search engine and your website is in SERP than your 70 characters tittle and 160characters will decide whether that user should click on your website or not!
People when they show the website they read the content depending on how attractive the title and description is, therefore, the title should be short and crisp, fresh and unique. Once you master the art of title creation your article will become much more interesting which will grab the visitor’s attention.

2. Rich Website for better user Experience:-
The first impression is the last impression” once a user fall on your website the look and content richness will keep the visitor engaged with the website. Your page has the ability to explain your website so does the customer needs. Having colorful and worse UI can’t keep your user happy. Minimalistic design with better UI is always a good option for any website.
Keeping a sitemap on the landing page will give the easy surfing option to the user. If you have a one-page website or very few no of pages then the sitemap is not required. Easy navigation with help of graphics always keeps the user busy on your website.

Fast Loading page3. Website should be Fast:-
According to research, it is been observed that there is 11% decrease in traffic when the website takes a long time to load. The website should be optimised in size and page structure so that it doesn't take a long time to load. Often when there are large file size images, videos and plugins can lead to delay in loading of your site.
You can compress your files and complicated script with the help of zipping such as G-zip. The best option to check your page speed is Google pagespeed insights tool. It will suggest you the solution and possible optimisaion to make your page load faster.

Social Media4. Social Media Platform:-
Social Media is a blessing for many business modules because it has made the website and the content easily available for the people. Just because you have created a content that doesn't mean people are bound to find it thus sharing it on the social media will offer a higher chance of people finding out more about your website.
This free platforms will make your business more visible and reachable. Use social media platform to be social with your user not to sale them. Posting useful information with the update will help your business to reach more audience in free. Providing offers and deals on your product can be viral by social media only.

5. Blogging / Video / Guest Blogging:-
Blogging is coming under social media platform only. Writing and posting a blog in the prospect of a user will help a user to understand your business better. You can educate a user about your product or service only with the help of blog or Video.
A video will provide more information in a short period of time, so you can create and share more informative video on video sharing sites such as YouTube and Dailymotion. You can also share PDF file and infographics also.
Guest blogging is another best way to increase the speed of your traffic and sales but nowadays the Guest blogging reputation has gone down because of the spammy tactics writers pull off on the guest blog. Therefore, carefully structure your content so that you don't have to face stiff penalties.

6. SEO:-
SEO will help you effectively boost traffic to your websites which is a worthwhile practice. Many People practice SEO for their content because it helps boost the organic traffic. The considering point is SEO will give you tons of free and convertible traffic every day. SEO is a time taking process but following proper SEO strategy help you to rank on the top page.
Just don't rely on websites linking you back but instead create interlink that is useful in SEO but it will also help you creating traffic to your site and ultimately it will also generate sales for you.

Doing black SEO without following webmaster guideline may threw your site back in search engine result page. You can read our previous blogs for an effective SEO blueprint-

7. Advertise:-
Well, Social Media Marketing, Display Advertising and Paid Search are the best ways of increasing more visitors to your website and getting the site in front of the people. But is chargeable, so keep this option for last, but if you have a good budget and you want instant business pickups than go ahead with paid advertising and kick start your business form the very first day of your website launching.
Make proper strategies according to your goals so that you spending your money in paid search works perfectly work for you. As your investing funds to get traffic for lead or sales make sure you are getting the right traffic and you are reaching the right audience. Invest some time and do so RND about your paid traffic to avoid fraud click and unsound traffic.

8. Other sources:-
Referral Traffic:- Your Content should be rich and unique so that you don't have to woo people to link back to you but instead create a great quality content that the other websites should be eager to get linked.
Comment a way of engaging with people:- Engaging with people will increase the brand image which in turn will put you out there by getting more recognized amongst people. This will ultimately increase the traffic to your website. But you should be careful about one thing is that you shouldn't comment any spam link or unrelated website which might increase the chances for your website to be blocked.
Email Marketing:- This might be a traditional mode of creating traffic but it is one of the most effective ways of creating sales and traffic to your website. But make sure that you don't send unnecessary daily emails to the customers which might put you in the spam list.