Tuesday 14 October 2014

Understanding the Page rank and the Domain Name relation:- Hostindia.net

Again struck with the same Page ranking problem?
 It's a wide topic to cover on a single page. Come on let's get some quick look on the domain name impact. The impact can be in both ways positive or negative. Domain name if chosen correctly gives the best rank in Google search result but if poorly chosen, it creates a lot of hassle for ranking.

Google is continuously putting one foot forward to avoid sites with unorganized links, poorly optimized content, and outdated SEO techniques to rank up in #Google's #page #rank. all this is for the user's aid. To deliver what a user is actually searching, instead of giving pages with the optimized keywords.

There is a good example in my mind for this when I search for information about any product online, always the company profile and pricing chart of companies selling the exact same product pops up in the search result. Well, I'm not looking for this! could you not come up for a minute? Is my reaction to those results.

Thus #Google is trying to avoid situations like this by introducing various policies on search result optimization. EMD (Exact match domain) is the latest algorithm launched by Google. You have a business of clothes and your domain says clothesonline.com its the exact match for your business name and definitely keyword rich. Still, it's not gonna pop first in the page rank, OOH WHY?

Because even if your domain is the exact match,  Some of the top listed domains on basis of EMD  don't even have a backlink profile, and their corresponding websites are terrible. Thus Google analyzes the site on the basis of its content, the backlinks and the authority of the site, and then rank it. If all of these requirements are matched then your site will come up as per your user engagement and the ratings of business. A fast growing business always has a fair amount of user engagement. 

The Best Domain Name

How domain name plays a role here, no matter what Google does, online surfers love to click on the links or URL with the keywords that they are looking for. So there is no harm in keeping your domain name keyword rich and keep your content updated so it will give you the great page ranking. without even trying for it.! its that easy but very few get it right. 
great content
a good domain name
keywords optimization (not in excess)
Regularly updated site 

that's it..!!! 

For any queries comment below. YES, I am happy to help!

In my next post, I will try to explain the other part of the Page ranking, the domain name variations for your business necessary or out of pocket? 


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